The usual way of communicating within the Group is by email. If you receive an email which requires a response you should do your best to provide this within three days of receipt – even if only to say that you have received the email and to confirm when a detailed response will follow.
The Group Scout Leader should be copied in to all emails sent by leaders to Executive Committee members.
Pigeon Holes
Each Section has their own pigeon hole in the Bill Genese Room. There are also pigeon holes for various other managers within the Group (eg the Group Scout Leader). Section leaders are responsible for checking their own pigeon holes on a weekly basis.
Programme Notifications
The Group Scout Leader must be notified of each section’s programme for the term. This can be done by any of the following methods:
- Sending an email copy of the programme to the Group Scout Leader
- Adding a copy of the programme to the section’s website
- Placing a hard copy of the programme in the Group Scout Leader’s pigeon hole