Scouting is inclusive – all young people, aged 6 to 18, are welcome to join, regardless of background, race or religion.
We prioritise our very limited availability based on time on waiting list, age suitability for sections that have availability, catchment area (Kidlington)* and whether the child has a sibling in the group or a parent who is actively involved with the group.
If you are the parent or guardian of a young person who wishes to join, please consider volunteering – this will help reduce waiting lists and enable more young people to benefit from Scouting.
Please click the waiting list application link below and we will try and get you involved as soon as possible. However, please be aware that there are waiting lists for all sections so we may not be able to offer you a place.
If there is a sibling already in the Group or if you are willing to join our leadership team please email details in addition to completing the waiting list application form:
*Before applying, please check that your address is within our catchment area by following the link and entering your post code: