Explorer Scouts (age 14 to 18)

Gordo Explorer Unit (Monday evenings)

The Gordo Explorer Unit meets on a Monday evening between 7.00 pm and 9.00 pm.

If you would like to find out more about the Unit please email gordo.explorerscouts@gmail.com.

You can also visit the Gordo website at www.gordoexplorerscouts.co.uk

Balanced Programme

Explorer Scouts take part in a balanced programme which is split into six different programme zones (outdoor and adventure; skills; physical recreation; community service; global; and values and relationships). The programme is delivered using six different methods. Over a period of time Explorers will take part in activities which cover all of the zones and make use of all of the different methods.

When a young person joins the Explorer Scout Unit he or she will only need to work towards the Scout Membership Award if joining from outside of the Movement. This will involve learning about the Unit and about local, national and international Scouting and knowing the Scout Promise and Law. The young person will also need to show that and understanding of how the Unit operates and is constituted.

Explorers have three main awards which they can work towards: the Chief Scout’s Diamond Award, the Chief Scout’s Platinum Award and the Queen Scout’s Award. All of these awards require completion of a specified period within the Unit, a certain number of nights camping and a range of activities. The three awards are closely linked to the Duke of Edinburgh Bronze, Silver and Gold Awards and completion of these counts towards completion of the Explorer Awards. Some Explorers also work towards the Young Leader’s Badge and provide assistance to other sections.

Explorer Scouts can also work towards twenty-eight different activity badges and six different staged activity badges as well as three awards in association with other sections in the Group. In addition, those over 16 can gain the Explorer Belt by undertaking a ten day international expedition – ‘the antidote to the package holiday’.

Explorers can also earn Joining In Badges to show how long they have been a part of the Scout Movement and a Moving On Award when they continue to Scout Network.

Find out more about the Explorer Scout programme and award scheme.